Message From President

" Our vision is to become the best quality contractor in Vietnam. To achieve that, our missions are providing comprehensive satisfaction for the customer; expanding our construction activities and contributing the advanced technology to construction industry of Vietnam. Moreover, we also care for staff’s work-life balance and enhance the awareness of our responsibility to a sustainable society. With ESG, we can bring highly satisfied construction services to customers and actively engage in environmental and social contribution activities to help build a sustainable world.

Mr. Shuji Hosoe - President "

Message From Senior Vice President


" Corruption harms societies and undermines fair trade, which is crucial to our business. Governments around the world are trying to wipe out bribery and corruption, and Obayashi Vietnam is committed to that, too.

Very simply: Obayashi Vietnam prohibits all forms of bribery and corruption. We do not give or receive anything of value that could even appear to improperly influence a decision by us or someone else. Instead, we deal with our customers, suppliers, and regulators in an honest and straightforward manner.

Taking the corporate responsibility to ensure transparency and strengthen governance, Obayashi Vietnam comply with the anti-corruption laws that apply to our business and adhere to international principles on anti-corruption and applicable anti-bribery laws, most notably the Anti-corruption Law of The National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam no. 36/2018/QH14 dated November 20, 2018, in which Clause 2, Article 2 of this Law stipulates the prohibition of non-state organizations from commiting acts of corruption includeing: (a) Embezzlement; (b) Taking bribes; (c) Bribing or brokering bribery for taking advantage of one’s influence over the operation of the enterprise or organization, or for personal gain.

Mr. Kunihiro Sato - Senior Vice President"