Kyu-Iwasaki-Tei Garden

Surely all of us have heard of the name Mitsubishi, a famous brand from Japan. Today, I would like to introduce to you the mansion, the residence of the founder of the Mitsubishi Group. This place is called Kyu-Iwasaki-tei Gardens.


Kyū-Iwasaki-tei Garden is located in Taitō, Tokyo. It was built in 1896 as the main residence of Hisaya Iwasaki, the third president of Mitsubishi and the eldest son of Yataro Iwasaki, the founder of the group. Previously, there were 20 buildings located on an area of about 15000 Tsubo. Currently, only one third of the area is left with 3 buildings: Western-style building, billiards room, and Japanese-style building.


The Western-style building was designed by Josiah Condor, a British architect. It is a true European-style villa with beautiful Jacobean-style decorations throughout.



There is a Japanese-style building next to a Western-style building based on the shoin-zukuri style. At present, only one building remains, the large hall has been used. In here you can see the pure Japanese architecture.



The billiards room is modeled after a mountain hut in Switzerland, an extremely rare house in Japan at the time.


In addition, there is also a very spacious garden with many old trees surrounding it, creating an extremely airy space
This is truly a great tourist destination to visit. If you have a chance to come to Tokyo, definitely visit it.

Trainee in 2023, Ngo Dang Chung (Mr.) - M&E Hanoi